ugr vyavahaar example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. But the violence of his language and his impetuosity everywhere earned him enemies 2. evoking war, the violence of war, or the cruelty and violence gen 3. Feudal times are full of violence 4. His Dialogues, however, must above their celebrity to the violence of the reaction physiocratic whose theories on agriculture as the foundation of national wealth were beaten in breach 5. His works, which have nothing more to the classical conception of the song, become a sort of oral poetry, spoken, which is striking for its sincerity of inspiration, its formal beauty and violence

Given are the examples of hindi word ugr vyavahaar usage in english sentences. The examples of ugr vyavahaar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., violence.

A Communist was a godless man he had no filial or conjugal love; he had no compunction about killing his own parents or his children; he was always out to cause and spread unrest and violence among innocent and ignorant people.

In addition, psychological aspects of health, and the impact of television viewing on violence as well as other forms of behaviour are explained.
This chapter will show you how psychological understanding can be applied practically to aspects such as pro-environmental behaviour, the reduction of violence and discrimination, and promotion of positive health attitudes.
It has to be understood that poverty is not merely an economic problem, and violence is not merely a question of breaking the law.
This will also help in reducing crime and violence by reducing frustration, and by encouraging the poor to earn their livelihood through legal rather than illegal means.
Aggression and violence are among the major problems in today's society, and they cover a wide range of behaviours — from ragging of newcomers in educational institutes, through child abuse, domestic violence, murder and rape, to riots and terrorist attacks.
Some psychologists distinguish aggression from violence by pointing out that aggressive behaviour involves the intention to harm or injure another person, whereas violence may or may not involve such an intention.
For example, burning buses or other public property during a riot is called violence as well as aggression.
If a child observes aggression and violence on television, s/he may start imitating that behaviour.
Without doubt violence and aggression shown on television and the film media have a powerful influence on the viewers, especially the children.
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